11 Undeniable Things You'll Find In Every Baltimore Home
By Jamie Alvarenga
Published December 21, 2017
Baltimoreans are one of a kind, but we all have some things in common. Take a look at this list and see how many of these 11 items are in YOUR home. Did we get it right?
1. Crab Mallet
Always be prepared for a crab feast. Always.
2. Ravens gear...
We all have a bit of purple in our closet, especially during football season.
3. And Orioles merchandise
What is summer without some black and orange?
4. Old Bay
Always have an extra can, just in case.
5. Something green for St. Patty's Day
There are so many St. Patty's pub crawls and events. It's best to be prepared.
6. Natty Boh hiding in the fridge...
I always seem to find at least one.
7. And Bergers cookies in the pantry
Okay, to be honest... These only last about a day in my house. There are NEVER leftovers.
8. At least one accessory or clothing item printed with Maryland's flag
Jamie Alvarenga / Only In Your State
Don't even worry about matching. The Maryland flag is accepted with any clothing combination.
9. Big Boyz Bail Bonds pens
Any time I need a pen, one of these always seems to appear out of nowhere.
10. Under Armour brand clothing
Protect this house!
11. Crab or nautical decor
It makes a Baltimore house feel like home.
How many of these things are true for you? What are some other things in every Baltimore home?
Did you know about this little known sculpture garden in the city?
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