I don’t know about you, but I think so-called “life hacks,” creative ways people have developed to solve everyday problems, are one of the best ways to waste time on the Internet. Knowledge is power, right? Here are a few hacks we think might come in handy in Florida.
1. Power went out and you're unprepared? Simply light the paper and it will burn for up to 30 minutes. Just be sure not to leave them unattended and that they're set up safely. Seems like these would be cool birthday cake candles, too.
2. Frozen bottle of water in front of a fan for when the A/C breaks. I'm betting that here we would probably need a few more frozen bottles and a bigger fan, but you get the idea.
3. Doesn't it stink when you come home in the summer and realize you have no cold drinks? Wrap the bottles in wet paper towels and in 15 minutes your drinks will be ice cold.