10 Foolproof Ways To Spot An Imposter In Baltimore
By Jamie Alvarenga
Published November 19, 2017
There are certain things Baltimoreans do – and other things you’ll never catch doing. Today, we’re focusing on the latter. Check out this list of ways to spot an imposter in Baltimore. If you catch someone doing these 10 things, odds are, they’re not local.
1. They're overusing the crab mallet.
Baltimoreans know that a mallet is barely needed at a crab feast. If you know precisely which joints to twist, the meat will slide right out.
2. They're wearing any football jersey other than the Ravens.
Everyone is free to be a fan for whichever team they want. Just don't walk through Baltimore with a Steelers jersey, though.
3. They're only sticking to the Inner Harbor.
A day of exploring Charm City should extend beyond the tourist-infused harbor.
4. They're missing out on the best local restaurants.
If they're not exploring the best seafood joints, ethnic foods, and more, then they surely can't be a local.
5. They don't scream "O!" during the national anthem.
It's to the point where the song feels incomplete without it.
6. They don't quite understand the word hon. ...
It's a friendly term of endearment, hon!
7. And they don't have even the slightest Baltimore accent.
Ask an old school Baltimorean to say the words water, wash, or even O's.
8. They're lacking a certain quirkiness.
I swear, sometimes you can spot a Balimorean from a mile away.
9. They don't own anything purple.
This is basically the official city color.
10. They're lost.
You'll probably spot them circling around the same block or suddenly breaking when spotting a parking garage.
How else do you spot an imposter in Baltimore? What would you add to the list?
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