16 Things That Will Always Make Nebraskans Think Of Home
By Delana Lefevers|Published September 04, 2017
Delana Lefevers
As a lifelong Nebraskan, Delana loves discovering the many hidden treasures of her state. She has worked as a writer and editor since 2007. Delana's work has been featured on more than a dozen websites and in Nebraska Life Magazine.
Growing up in Nebraska is an experience that most of us wouldn’t trade for the world. There’s something about this sweet, underrated state that sticks with you no matter where you go in life. Even if we grow up to move far, far away, these things will always make us think of home – even if we’ve been gone for ages.
People from other states might not get this, but the smell of cow pastures isn't an entirely terrible one. In fact, if you've been gone for a while, you'll probably roll your car windows down when you come home just to admire the cattle a little better.
Did you know there are some places in the world where trees grow straight up because they aren't subjected to unrelenting heavy winds? Strange, but true!
Again, non-Nebraskans will find this hard to believe, but corn has almost mystical properties. You can actually watch it grow - that's how fast it shoots up in a good year. It has its own scent, and even its own sound. There's nothing like a sea of corn.
Just the mention of Runza, Valentinos, Lee's Chicken, Bronco's Burgers, or any other beloved hometown restaurant sets your stomach rumbling something fierce.
There's so much wide open space in Nebraska that you can almost forget there are other places where your closest neighbor is just an arm's length away.
We live in a prime location for extreme weather, and our thunderstorms never fail to impress. Sorry, other states, but this is one of those things that Nebraska just does better.
Like so many other things here, summer nights in Nebraska are unique and unforgettable. The almost deafening drone of cicadas, the air that's still so humid at midnight that it makes your lungs feel heavy, the restless rustling of the trees in the dark.... It's all kind of magical.
Something about stepping onto a family farm make a Nebraskan's heart sing. Maybe it comes from happy childhood days spent chasing chickens, but for whatever reason, a quiet farm equals happiness for us.
This is something you'll miss so much if you move away. When you're out in the middle of nowhere in Nebraska, the night sky is absolutely alive with endless stars that fill your heart with hope.
There's always a peaceful place to be found in Nebraska. Always. And we crave that forever.
You may be feeling pretty homesick right now if you’re a native Nebraskan who’s been away from home for a while. Isn’t it about time to come home for a visit?
Tell us, Nebraska – what will always remind you of home? What do you miss most if you’ve moved away?