Here Are The Oldest Photos Ever Taken In Chicago And They’re Incredible
By Elizabeth Crozier|Published August 27, 2017
Elizabeth Crozier
An Illinois transplant who grew up and went to school in Indiana for 22 years, Elizabeth holds a BFA in creative writing and has enjoyed traveling across the country and parts of Europe. She has visited half of the states, as well as parts of Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean, and regularly travels home to the Hoosier State to see friends and family. With more than five years of writing experience, Elizabeth’s articles have been featured on several websites, and her poetry and short stories have been published in multiple literary journals.
Chicago became an official city in the 1830s, and it has since accumulated a wealth of history. Our timeline is best preserved in still shots of various events, buildings, and people. These are 13 of the oldest photos of the city we were able to scrounge up.
Although some are blurry and off-colored, this is a reflection on the technology of the time, but these incredible images tell the tale of our city. Take a trip back in time with us and learn the history behind these vintage photographs.