If you were born and raised in St. Louis these aren’t habits, they are just how life works here in the Gateway City. For newcomers these habits may seem very strange at first, but stay here long enough and you too will be barbecuing pork steaks in your sweater and flip flops. Check out some other undying habits of your fellow St. Louisans below:
Ask for directions in St. Louis and mostly likely the person giving them will first point in the way you should go. Next, they could tell you to turn at the gas station, go down past where the old bar used to be, and turn again at the church. You won't get left or right in your directions because there is only one church on the turn. If you're not from here and don't know where the old bar was (places that have been torn down turn up in directions a lot here) go where the person was pointing until you see someone else to ask. You will get there eventually.
2. Weekend plans need very little explaining here.
There are a lot of lakes in Missouri, but everyone knows which one you're going to if you're spending the weekend at the lake. They might tag along if it's the party cove you plan to visit - but not if it's Tiger Season.
3. Local commercial jingles become a part of everyday conversation here.
No matter which local pizza you order someone is bound to say, "it's a square beyond compare." Some may argue over which square is the best, but since we all like nice things, we can agree it's all good. Should friendships become strained though you know where you always have a friend here in St. Louis. For those of us old enough to remember, you might still be finding yourself saying "try us - you'll like us" at the oddest times too.
4. We inexplicably add R's to words, making them unrecognizable to outsiders.
Why Highway 40 is pronounced far-ty here is unknown. As is the tendency to worsh clothes, rather than wash them. Or, why all the best ideas end in an double 'R', idearr. The strangest thing is that it is only when a newcomer comments on our word pronunciation that we even know it is different. The rest of America puts an 'R' in Colonel, so maybe the way we say these words is the way it should be and everyone else is saying the words wrong?
5. Using your blinker here is completely optional.
If you are driving in St. Louis and the person in front of you slows down they are probably going to make a turn, and soon. And it just makes sense that if you are in a turning lane you will be turning. Why would anyone behind you need extra confirmation, in the form of a blinking light, that turn lanes are for turning? And it is called a blinker here not a turn signal - not that is matters because we don't use them.
There are probably instances where you can go to a child's birthday party and not find cold beer. Those places are not in St. Louis. Invite people over for a celebration, any celebration, and it is expected that somewhere there is a cooler of beer. Maybe it's our long-standing brewing history, or we just really like a fine pilsner. Whatever the reason, it is a fine habit of our hospitality.
7. We bring our own favorite beverage to celebrations, just in case it isn't in the cooler.
We expect beer and soda to be served when invited to a party, but we bring our own cooler just in case they are only serving a light lager and we like a more full-bodied beverage. There is also the can-versus-bottle debate. The right beverage in the wrong container will have guests drinking what they brought instead.
8. St. Louis is a Cardinal Red town that Bleeds Blue.
We are true fans in St. Louis. Nationally known as some of the truest fans in the country, we will continue to go to games long after any chance of winning a title has passed. Even for those who don't love the game, we want our teams to win. And we love the excitement they bring to our city.
9. Pork steaks and the St. Louis barbecue go hand and hand.
Wearing socks and sandals or flip flops and a sweater could be seen as an odd habit to someone not from St. Louis. But when you live in a place where there is snow in the morning and sunshine and 60 degrees in the afternoon it totally makes sense.
11. Friendships made in grade school last a lifetime in St. Louis.
Beyond the notorious question of "where did you go to high school," people here make friends once, in grade school. And we keep those friends forever. Our city is known for being friendly, but also for being very hard to make new friends here. So much so, that several people have created companies to help newcomers adapt and find friends.
St. Louis is a little quirky, maybe not more than other places, but our quirks are ours and we like them. Do you know more things only people in St. Louis do? Share them in the comments below.