Here Are The Oldest Photos Ever Taken In Minnesota And They're Incredible
By Betsy Rathburn|Published August 12, 2017
Betsy Rathburn
Betsy is a Minneapolis-based writer who's lived in Minnesota for 20 years. If you know of any amazing Minnesota restaurants, nature areas, or other attractions, feel free to let her know about them at or on Twitter @betsyrathburn.
Minnesota became a state in 1858, not long after photography began to spread across the globe. Many of the earliest photos of our state are long gone, but others remain to give us a glimpse into what life was like in the early days of our state. These pictures from the 1860s to 1890s may be some of Minnesota’s oldest photos. They offer a fascinating look at the state’s past, from the state’s early logging operations to some of its most famous natural wonders. Take a look:
What did you think of Minneosta’s oldest photos? I love looking at Minnesota’s landscape when it was still mostly undeveloped. Did any of the pictures stick out to you? Leave your thoughts in the comments below!